Stepping Stones


Originally published in The Mancos Times – August 15, 2012

In my listening to others – myself as well – I have come to believe that we are all on our own separate wondrous journeys that are destined to lead to grand joy, calming peace, a sense of purpose and feelings of contribution. These journeys are our adventures and odysseys. They are filled with laughter, tragedy, fear, fun, betrayal, gratitude, anger, conflict and love. So if this be true, why is it that many of us appear not to be making progress and drawing ever more closely to this destiny with being in a place of serenity and warm harmony with ourselves, the world and our relationships with others? Perhaps the answer is rather simple. We just frankly keep getting in our own way, with our desire for certainty, with our need for the illusion of importance and control, with our need for immediacy in the outcomes we seek.

Perhaps more often than not, we are unwilling to let the natural flow of life be a dance that unfolds at its own speed, and unable to surrender to “what is” and because of that we do not let this relaxed connection with our environment propel us forward, unwilling and unable to have faith that by giving up control and embracing uncertainty, life gets to be very easy and casual? When we learn to discern what empowering questions are and “getting it” that much of life is out of our control, we are well on our way to sitting in first class of our very own luxury jet airliner that is on auto pilot. “WHY YES!” Champagne, Proscuitto, brie and strawberries covered in dark chocolate will be just fine ma’am. By asking ourselves the right questions and embracing setbacks and mistakes as magnificent and most eminent teachers, are we not being responsible with our lives? Are we not then responding to that 90 percent of life (how we respond to what happens) in a healthy and honest manner?

How often do we face a most unfortunate circumstance and allow it to stifle us, becoming paralyzed in fear, or diverted with anger/ disappointment or stagnated by becoming jaded/self-righteous? How often is our journey’s progress stopped as if we had approached a precipice while hiking and by default, we choose a comfortable resigned belief that the effort is no longer worth it, and we stall and stagnate, letting disappointment trump possibility?

When we face a setback, an injustice, a roadblock, an upsetting turn of events with our lives, need we but ask “what good will I make of this?” How will this be a stepping stone toward moving me forward with being the best person I can be – being the most radiant presence for others possible? “How with this be part of my learning experience toward achieving a sense of true inner peace?” Are not these experiences our grandest of mentors and teachers? Let us be most responsible with ourselves and demand that good and betterment be the ultimate outcome with our life happenings, and see them as NECESSARY stepping stones in our path with our journey! Let us see these as lessons that move us forward toward that which we most desire… let us embrace them as such. Happening “For Us” and not “To Us”.

Peace be with you as you casually move forward with this dance upon your unique stepping stones to a most magnificent destiny one step back, two steps forward, two steps back, three steps forward. So let us be grateful for our life trials and look forward to the next set as a means toward continuing our life progress. Keep on walking my friends keep on walking.

Michael Starr is the owner of Executive Coaching Services. He can be reached at or by calling 501-585-1302.

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